Saturday, January 26, 2008

5 Tips to Apply to Weight Loss

I read an interesting article from Dumb Little Man Tips for Life listing 5 tips for living a fulfilled, complete life. I think the advice found therein is universal and can also be applied to the area of weight loss and physical fitness (which is my personal goal).

The article discusses these five points and I've included my comments on how these areas relate to me:

  • Turn Your Desires and Wants into Goals - my desire is to look great in a bikini for summer and I can accomplish that by a physical and healthy lifestyle.
  • Turn Your Goals into Habits - I'm exercising 3 to 5 times per week and making healthier food choices, consuming more water, and taking daily vitamin supplements.
  • Track Your Progress and Celebrate Your Accomplishments - this blog is my way of tracking my progress and I celebrate by shopping for sexy articles of clothing.
  • Watch Out For the Negatives - either people or internal negative thinking, etc. I'd like to add Look for the Positives such as a support network.
  • Keep Your Mind Open to Change - life is full of changes and challenges. If I am open to change then they will appear more as hurdles to overcome rather than a brick wall in my progress towards reaching my goal of becoming more fit and healthy.
All great advice and reminder to me to keep on trucking!